Earth & Planetary Sciences 450 - Outer Solar System Satellites

Reading materials:


Seismic detection of the lunar core, Science, vol. 331, p. 309-312, 2011, R. C. Weber, P-W. Lin, E. J. Garnero, Q. Williams, and P. Lognonne.

Volatile content of lunar volcanic glasses and the presence of water in the Moon's interior, Nature, vol. 454, p. 192-195, 2008, A. E. Saal, E. H. Hauri, M. Lo Cascio, J. A. Van Orman, M. C. Rutherford, and R. F. Cooper.

Gravity-Assisted Spaceflight

M. A. Minovich, A method for determining interplanetary free-fall reconnaissance trajectories, JPL Technical Memo, #312-130, 47 pages (1961). (Minovich, JPL, 1961) (Minovich personal website)

Cassini Interplanetary Trajectory Design, F. Peralta and S. Flanagan, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 3.,1603-1610, 1995.

Cassini-Huygens Mission Overview, N. Vandermey and B. G. Paczkowski, AIAA Journal (SpaceOps 2006 Conference), pg 1-9, 2006.

A study of trajectories to the Neptune system using gravity assists, C.R.H. Solorzano, A.A. Sukhanov, A.F.B.A. Prado, Advances in Space Research, 40, 125-133, 2007.

On making use of lunar and solar gravity assists in LUNAR-A, PLANET-B missions, Junichiro Kawaguchi, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Tono Uesugi, Hiroki Matsuo, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 35, pp. 633-642, 1995.

"Capturing near-Earth asteroids into bounded Earth orbits using gravity assist", Changchun Bao, Hongwei Yang, Barsbold, Hexi Baoyin, Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 360, Issue 2, 2015.

"Design of Low-Thrust Multi-Gravity Assist Trajectories to Europa", M. Vasile; S. Campagnola, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 62, 15-31 (2009).

Galilean Satellites

"Constraining the Thickness of Europa's Water-Ice Shell: Insights from Tidal Dissipation and Conductive Cooling", Lynnae Quick, Bruce Marsh, Icarus, 253, 16-24, 2015.

"Active formation of chaos terrain over shallow subsurface water on Europa", Schmidt, Blankenship, Patterson and Schenk, Nature, Vol.479, 502-505, 2011.

"The formation of the Galilean moons and Titan in the Grand Tack scenario", R. Heller, G.-D. Marleau, and R. E. Pudritz, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 579, L4, 2015.

"The response of Jupiter's magnetosphere to an outburst on Io", M.E. Brown and A.H. Bouchez, Science, 278, 268-271, 1997.

"Design of Low-Thrust Multi-Gravity Assist Trajectories to Europa", M. Vasile; S. Campagnola, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 62, 15-31 (2009).

"Revolutionary Concepts for Human Outer Planet Exploration (HOPE)", Troutman et al, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 654: 821–828, 2003.

"Shape, Mean Radius, Gravity Field, and Interior Structure of Callisto", J. D. Anderson, R. A. Jacobson, and T. P. McElrath, Icarus, Volume 153, Issue 1, pages 157-161, September 2001.

"On the Habitability of Europa", Reynolds, Squyres, Colburn, and McKay. Icarus 56, 246-254, 1983.

"Organics and Other Molecules in the Surfaces of Callisto and Ganymede", T.B. McCord et al., Science, v. 278, 271-274, 1997.

"A model of Europa's crustal structure' Recent Galileo results and implications for an ocean", Spaun and Head, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 106, 7567-7576, 2001.

"The chemical nature of Europa surface material and the relation to a subsurface ocean", Orlando, McCord, Grieves, Icarus, v. 177, 528-533, 2005.

Saturn's Satellites

"Cassini Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer: Enceladus Plume Composition and Structure", J. Hunter Waite Jr et al., Science, Vol 3,1419-1422, 2006.

"How the geysers, tidal stresses, and thermal emission across the south polar terrain of Enceladus are related", C. Porco, D. DiNino, and F. Nimmo, The Astronomical Journal, 148:45 (24pp), 2014.

"Enceladus's measured physical libration requires a global subsurface ocean": Thomas, P., Taheddine, R., Tiscareno, M., Curns, J., Josepg, J., Loredo, T., Helfenstein, P., & Porca, C. Icarus, Volume 264, p. 37-47, 2015.

"Possible Temperate Lakes on Titan", Graham Vixie, Jason W. Barnes, Brian Jackson, Sebastien Rodriguez Stephane Le Mouelic, Christophe Sotin, Shannon MacKenzie, Paul Wilson, Icarus, vol. 257, 313-323, 2015

"Titan: An exogenic world?", Moore, Jeffrey M., Pappalardo, Robert T. Icarus 212. 790-806. 2011.

"Release of volatiles from a possible cryovolcano from near-infrared imaging of Titan", Sotin et al., Nature, Vol 435|9 June 2005.

"The Dark side of Iapetus", D.P. Cruikshank, J.F. Bell, M.J. Gaffey, R.Hamilton Brown, C. Beerman, M. Rognstad Icarus, vol. 53, pp. 90-104, 1983.

Massive Ice Avalanches On Iapetus Mobilized By Friction Reduction During Flash Heating. K. N. Singer and W.B. McKinnon, Nature Geoscience, vol. 5, August 2012, pages 574-578.

Hydrocarbon lakes on Titan: Distribution and interaction with a porous regolith, A. Hayes, O. Aharonson, et al., GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 35, L09204, 2008

In situ measurements of the physical characteristics of titan's environment M. Fulchignoni et al., Nature, Vol: 438, Pages: 785-791, 2005.

"Chemical composition of simulated Titan's midatmospheric aerosols", Jacovi, D. Laufer, V. Dimitrov, A. Bar‐Nun, Journal of Geographical Research, Volume 115, Issue E7, July 2010.

Cassini Mission

"The Ringed Planet: Cassini's voyage of discovery at Saturn", Joshua Colwell, Morgan & Claypool Publications, 2017.

Saturn: Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and Magnetosphere, Tamas I. Gombosi and Andrew P. Ingersoll, SCIENCE, VOL 327, 19 MARCH 2010.

"Saturn ring rain: Model estimates of water influx into Saturn’s atmosphere", L. Moore, J. O’Donoghue, I. Müller-Wodarg, M. Galand, M. Mendillo, Icarus, Volume 245, Page 355-366, 2015.

"The Lakes of Titan", E.R. Stofan et al., Nature, 445, 4, p. 61-64, 2007.

"Enceladus: Present internal structure and differentiation by early and long-term radiogenic heating", G. Schubert, J. Anderson, Icarus Volume 188, Issue 2, p. 345-355, June 2007.

Uranus' and Neptune's Satellites

"Uranus' cloud structure and seasonal variability from Gemini-North and UKIRT observations", Irwin, P.G.J., Teanby, N.A., Davis, G.R., Fletcher, L.N., Orton, G.S., Tice, D., Kyffin, A. Icarus 21. 339-350. 2011.

"Comprehensive Photometry of the Rings and 16 Satellites of Uranus with the Hubble Space Telescope", Erich Karkoschka, Icarus 151, 51–68, 2001.

"Global resurfacing of Uranus' moon Miranda by convection", Hammond and Barr, Geology, 42, 931-934, 2014.

"A numerical exploration of Miranda’s dynamical history", Verheylewegen, E., Noyelles, B. and Lemaire, A., Monthly Notices, Royal Astronomical Society, Soc. 000, 1-14, 2002.

"Asteroid 2015 DB216: a recurring co-orbital companion to Uranus", C. de la Fuente Marcos and R. de la Fuente Marcos, MNRAS, 453: 1288–1296, 2015.

Voyager Mission Celebrates 30 Years Since Uranus, NASA, JPL.

"What Caused the Sudden Heating of Uranus's Atmosphere?", EOS, vol. 97, Jan. 2016.

"Neptune and Triton: Essential Pieces of the Solar System Puzzle", A. Masters, Planetary and Space Science 104, 108-121, 2014.

"A Wunda-full world? Carbon dioxide ice deposits on Umbriel and other Uranian moons", Michael M. Sori, Jonathan Bapst, Ali M. Bramson, Shane Byrne, Margaret E. Landis, Icarus, Vol. 290, Pages 1-13, 2017.

"Neptune's capture of its moon Triton in a binary-planet gravitational encounter", Agnor, C.B. and Hamilton, D.P., Nature, Vol 441|11 May 2006|doi:10.1038/nature04792.

NEPTUNE's DYNAMIC ATMOSPHERE FROM KEPLER K2 OBSERVATIONS. Amy A. Simon, Jason F. Rowe, Patrick Gaulme, Heidi B. Hammel, Sarah L. Casewell, Jonathan J. Fortney, The Astrophysical Journal, 817:162 (10pp), 2016.

A shear heating origin for ridges on Triton, Prockter, Nimmo, Pappalardo, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 32, 2005.

"Sustainability of a subsurface ocean within Triton's interior", Jodi Gaeman, Saswata Hier-Majumder, James H. Roberts, Icarus, Volume 220, Issue 2, Page 339~347, 2012.

Pluto and its Satellites

The Pluto system: Initial results from its exploration by New Horizons, Stern, S. A and many others, Science, vol. 350, p. 292, 2015. Pluto's Mysterious, Floating Hills, NASA Missions

New Spin on Pluto's Moons, Cowen, R., EOS, 96, 2015.

World Without Time, Cowen, R., EOS, 96, 2015.

"The Geology of Pluto and Charon through the eyes of New Horizons", J.-M. Moore, W.-B. McKinnon, J.-R. Spencer, Science Volume 531, Issue 6279, Pages 1284-1293, 2016.

"Haze heats Pluto’s atmosphere yet explains its cold temperature", Xi Zhang, Darrell F. Strobel & Hiroshi Imanaka, Nature, Volume 551, Page 352-355, 355A-355F, 2017.

"Climate zones on Pluto and Charon", Richard P. Binzel, Alissa M. Earle, Marc W. Buie, Leslie A.Young, Icarus, Volume 287, 1 May 2017, Pages 30-36.

"The Pluto system after the New Horizons flyby", C.B. Olkin, K. Ennico, and J. Spencer, Nature Astronomy, 1, 663-670, 2017.

Kuiper Belt

"Constraints on dust production in the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt from Pioneer 10 and New Horizons measurements", Dong Han, Andrew R. Poppe, Marcus Piquette, Eberhard Grün, and Mihály Horányi, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 38 Issue 24, L24102, 2011.

In Situ Observations of Interstellar Plasma with Voyager 1, D. A. Gurnett, W. S. Kurth, L. F. Burtaga and N. F. Ness, Science, vol. 341, 1489-1492, 2013.

"Color diversity Among the Centaurs and Kuiper Belt Objects," J. Luu and D. Jewitt, The Astronomical Journal, 112, 5, 2310-2318, 1996.

PROBING THE EDGE OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM: FORMATION OF AN UNSTABLE JET-SHEET, Merav Opher, Paulett C. Liewer, The Astrophysical Journal, 591:L61–L65, 2003.

"Why Are The Magnetic Field Directions Measured By Voyager 1 On Both Sides Of The Heliopause So Similar?", J. Grygorczuk, A. Czechowski, and S. Grzedzielski, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 789:L43 (4pp), 2014.

Whipple, NASA, Proposed Discovery Class Mission


Impact cratering on Earth: A history of controversy, Matias, A., Northeastern Geology & Environmental Sciences, v. 29, pp. 299-308, 2007.

Earth Impact Effects Program: A web-based computer program for calculating the regional environmental consequences of a meteoroid impact on Earth, G. S. Collins, J. Melosh and R. A. Marcus, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 840, Nr 6, 817-40, 2005.

Cratering rates in the outer Solar System, Kevin Zahnle, Paul Schenk, Harold Levison, Luke Dones, ICARUS, 163, 263-289, 2003.

Strained craters on Ganymede. Pappalardo, Robert T., Collins, Geoffrey C. Journal of Structural Geology, 27, 827-838. 2005.

Surface ages of mid-size saturnian satellites, R. Di Sisto and M. Zanardi, Icarus, 264, 90-101, 2016.

Pluto: Dwarf Planet 134340, L.V. Ksanfomality, Solar System Research, Vol. 50 no. 1, pp. 67-80, 2016.

On the Roles of Escape Erosion and the Relaxation of Craters on Pluto. Stern & A., Zangari, A. Icarus, Vol 250 pg 287-293, 2015.

Crater Populations on Ganymede and Callisto, Strom R., Woronow A., and Grunis M., J. of Geophysical Research, v.86, 8659-8674, 1981.                                                      

Here are some paper and book references on ice and deformation.  - Hans Weertman

Gustavo Gioia, Pinaki Chakraborty, Stephen Marshak, and Susan W. Kieffer,Unified model of tectonics and heat transport in a frigid Enceladus, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., (2007) v. 104 # 34, 13578-13581.

Jurgen Schmidt, Nikolai Brilliantov, Frank Spahn and Sascha Kempf, Slow dust in Enceladus' plume from condensation and wall collisions in tigerstripe fractures, Nature, (2008) v. 451 # 7, 685-688.

Physics of Ice by V. F. Petrenko and R. W. Whitworth, (1999) Oxford University Press.

Ice Physics by P. Hobbs, (!974) Oxford University Press.

Sunwoong Lee, Robert T. Pappalardo, Nicholas C. Makris, Mechanics of tidally driven fractures in Europa's ice shell (2005) Icarus v177, p. 367=96379

N.F. Glasser, T.A. Scambos,  A structural glaciological analysis of the 2002 Larsen B ice-shelf collapse, Journal of Glaciology, (2008) Vol. 54, # 184 p. 3-16.

Christina L. Hulbe, Douglas R. MacAyeal,George H. Denton, Johan Kleman, and Thomas V. Lowell,  Catastrophic ice shelf breakup as the source of Heinrich event icebergs (2004) PALEOCEANOGRAPHY, v. 19, PA1004, doi:10.1029/2003PA000890.

Chapter 10 in Dislocation Based Fracture Mechanics, by J. Weertman(1996) World Scientific Publishing.

J. Weertman,  Creep deformation of ice, in Annual Review of Earth& Planetary Sciences Vol. 11, edited by G. W. Wetherill, A. L. Albee and G. F. Stehli (Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA), pp. 215-240 (1983). (
Weertman, Annual Reviews, 1983)

J. Weertman, Can a water-filled crevasse reach the bottom surface of a glacier?, in Symposium on the Hydrology of Glaciers, Cambridge, England, 7-13 September 1969, Publication No. 95, Commission of Snow and Ice, International Association of Scientific Hydrology, InternationalUnion of Geodesy and Geophysics, pp. 139-145 (1973). (
Weertman, Hydrology Symposium, 1973)

J. Weertman, Bottom crevasses, Journal of Glaciology, v. 25, pp. 185-188 (1980). (
Weertman, J. Glaciology, 1980) J. Weertman, The Eshelby-Schoeck viscous dislocation damping mechanism applied to the steady-state creep of ice, Ice and Snow, edited by W. D. Kingery (M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1963), p. 28-33. (Weertman, Steady State Creep, 1963)

J. Weertman, Deformation of floating ice shelves, Journal of Glaciology, v. 3, pp. 38-42 (1957). (
Weertman, J. Glaciology, 1957)

J. Weertman, On the sliding of glaciers, Journal of Glaciology, v. 3, pp. 33-38 (1957). (
Weertman, J. Glaciology, 1957)

D. D. Blankenship, M. E. Peters, D. A. Young, and J. W. Holt, Radar sounding of Europa's icy shell: the view after new results from Mars and Antarctica, (2007) Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII.

Gregory V. Hoppa, B. Randall Tufts, Richard Greenberg, Paul E. Geissler,  Formation of Cycloidal Features on Europa, (1999) Science, v285, p. 1899-1902.

Hideaki Miyamoto, Giuseppe Mitri, Adam P. Showman, James M. Dohm, Putative ice flows on Europa: Geometric patterns and relation to topography collectively constrain material properties and effusion rates (2005)  Icarus v177, p. 413=96424.

Ran Qin, W. Roger Buck, Leonid Germanovich, Comment on "Mechanics of tidally driven fractures in Europa's ice shell" by S. Lee, R.T. Pappalardo, and N.C. Makris [2005. Icarus 177, 367=96379] (2007) Icarus v189, p. 595-597

Sunwoong Lee, Robert T. Pappalardo, Nicholas C. Makris, Reply to "Comment on "Mechanics of tidally driven fractures in Europa's ice shell' " ( 2007) Icarus v189, p. 598-599


David Brin, Mystery of the great silence, in, First Contact: The search for extraterrestrial intelligence, edited by Ben Bova and Byron Preiss, 1990.

Earth & Planetary Sciences 450 - Outer Solar System Satellites